Automation > Customer Instant Insight

Test the market, gain insights and enhance your strategy

Automate the collection of customer feedback: send surveys to assess service satisfaction and NPS survey or launch marketing campaigns to measure propensity to buy.

Benefits of Customer Instant Insight

Why Customer Instant Insight

User involvement

90% is the open rate for messages, while e-mails stop at 20%. The use of messages enables immediate and direct communication with the consumer.

It builds customer loyalty

Companies can send targeted messages based on customer preferences and behavior, providing a more relevant and engaging experience. This helps create a stronger bond between the company and the customer, improving loyalty and satisfaction.

Increases sales

A study conducted by HubSpot found that the use of instant messaging can lead to increased sales. In the study, 41 percent of participants said they made a purchase after receiving an Instant Messaging message from a company.


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How the service works

Automatic Survey

Simplify the collection of feedback from your customers, use a powerful tool to evaluate your company's service and measure NPS (Net Promoter Score).

  • 1. Automatic sending of the engagement template

    Your customers automatically receive a carefully designed engagement template where they are to evaluate their experience with your service. This process takes place without requiring manual intervention, ensuring timeliness and effectiveness in collecting feedback.

  • 2. NPS detection.

    User responses are collected to detect NPS, a key indicator of customer satisfaction, and are automatically analyzed to provide a detailed picture of your company’s level of promotion.

  • 3. Output processed with human support

    Industry experts analyze the data collected, identify trends and identify areas for improvement.

  • 4. Enhancement of communication

    With the information gained, communication with customers can be enhanced by reaching out in a targeted way to those who responded to the questionnaire, providing personalized answers and demonstrating a concrete commitment to improving service. In addition, you can identify those who have expressed low NPS by reaching out to these customers with customized retention strategies, demonstrating your commitment to solving problems and improving their overall experience.

Marketing campaign

Explore new business opportunities: customize your strategy by organizing users based on their behavior

  • 1. Automatic sending of the engagement template

    Your customers automatically receive a carefully designed engagement template where they are to evaluate their experience with your service. This process takes place without requiring manual intervention, ensuring timeliness and effectiveness in collecting feedback.

  • 2. NPS detection.

    User responses are collected to detect NPS, a key indicator of customer satisfaction, and are automatically analyzed to provide a detailed picture of your company’s level of promotion.

  • 3. Output processed with human support

    Industry experts analyze the data collected, identify trends and identify areas for improvement.

  • 4. Enhancement of communication

    With the information gained, communication with customers can be enhanced by reaching out in a targeted way to those who responded to the questionnaire, providing personalized answers and demonstrating a concrete commitment to improving service. In addition, you can identify those who have expressed low NPS by reaching out to these customers with customized retention strategies, demonstrating your commitment to solving problems and improving their overall experience.

Use cases

What you can do with Customer Instant Insight

Survey opinions, guide decisions. Combine the power of the Automatic Survey to listen carefully to your customers with the power of the Marketing Campaign to guide your business strategies.


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