Technology > Knowledge Management system

A single solution to manage all interactions

With its Knowledge Management platform, INGO simplifies processes and allows for easy and intuitive customer relationship management.

The advantages of Acuto

Why Acuto

Integrated omnichanneling

By integrating with XCALLY, Acuto is able to provide all the information from interactions on different channels in real time in a single interface.

Total customization

Taking advantage of a modular structure, the tool can be customized to suit the needs of each company.

Cloud-based structure and multi-customer management

Acuto is cloud based to allow immediate access to all information and reduce management costs on enterprise infrastructure.


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Use cases

Possible scenarios with Acute

The Knowledge Management platform for efficient management of omnichannel interactions.


Knowledge relation tree

With Acuto it is possible to set up an interactive tree diagram in just a few clicks that guides step by step those who manage the online or offline relationship with customers.

EDB searchable at any time

By importing all files needed for customer management in tabular format (Excel, CSV, and Open), it will be possible to layout them in grid format to make them searchable while managing a contact interaction.

Comprehensive customer management FAQs

Once all frequently asked questions and case histories from customer interactions are collected Acuto allows them to be made available to the management team. It is important to speed up interactions and always have the right solution in sight for issues that have already been addressed and solved.

Contact us

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