Why is HR important within a company? What role do human resources play and what are the people who work?
20 July 2022

The Mission of HR Management
Human resources build pathways for growth and communication (internal and external), they search for and recruit new talent, recruit staff, enter into contracts and issue coupons, and also organize update meetings and build relationships.
HR management aims to manage personnel, pursuing the ultimate goals of the enterprise and reinforcing the internal culture. If the people who work for a company are of value, then the company itself also gains value. Human resources monitors the state of the market within which the company moves, thereby providing insight.
The INGO’s HR team does not only carry out the activities we have listed, but is also concerned with spreading corporate culture, aiming for the common good and the benefit aspect of our company: in addition to profit goals, we integrate into our social aspect the purpose of having a positive impact on society and the biosphere.

The mission of HR Management and the reality of INGO
The mission that INGO’s HR team pursues is to. Bring lasting business value by training the new skills needed to compete in a digital future. We launch challenges related to the corporate innovation future, in which employees are encouraged to form cross-functional teams and submit their ideas for everything from business process improvements to new digital solutions that will define our future, to the benefits theme.
In our small way, with the use of a management system, the quality and training theme will move to digital. With the payroll consultant, we plan to go to the digital universe. Finally, what the recent pandemic has taught us is that one should never underestimate the serenity of the people working in the company.
What are the job roles within an HR team?
Within a team that manages human resources there are different professional figures, each with specific skills, who work together to achieve the best possible result and help pursue the company’s goals.
HR MANAGER. Defines HR macro strategies, in consultation with management. Coordinates and plans HR activities related to selection, administration, training. He is responsible for labor relations and is a guarantor of corporate culture and climate.
COMMUNICATION SPECIALISTS. These figures take care of all the internal communication part. They design and develop all projects related to employees and contractors. They welcome and accompany the newly hired employee in the induction into the company.
RESOURCE AND RECRUITING SPECIALISTS. These professionals search for and select new talent, manage recruiting channels, and implement employer branding plans to attract potential candidates. At the same time they are concerned with the growth and retention of employees already part of the company.
ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALISTS. They draw up and define contracts, support and mentor employees on disciplinary issues, safety, internal updating of personal information, attendance, pay slips etc.
What are the job roles within an HR team?
Professionals working in the field of human resources have different skills from each otherand it is very difficult to generalize them. In the HR team, in fact, there are several roles and each one has different characteristics. However, there are common traits that should be taken into consideration, such as:
- Listening skills
- Empathy
- Effective communication
- Multitasking
- Problem solving
- Planning and organization
- Working in teams
- Having an elastic mind
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INGO, thanks to multichannel and technological innovations, is able to build specific projects for each company, following the process from the initial analysis phase to the implementation of integrated, scalable and modular omnichannel strategies. For over 20 years, Made in Italy at the service of the customer experience.